20 Comebacks When Dealing with a Selfish Person

We all know a selfish person who makes everything about themself. Regardless of your intentions and actions, there is little you can do to make such people happy. No matter how hard we try to please them, something will always bother selfish people.

For instance, if you bring up a conversation about your accomplishments or problems, they bring it back to themselves. Eventually, you end up listening to their issues and opinions. That’s one of the reasons why selfish people are downright annoying.

That’s one of the reasons why nobody wants to be around self-centered people. 

Dealing with a selfish person is tricky. But, the first thing to do is to define and identify a selfish person

Here are the two primary characteristics of a selfish person:

  • Selfish people are always concerned exclusively or excessively with their image, health, and goals.
  • They have no respect for the feelings or needs of the people around them

When dealing with such people, it is foolish to expect any gratitude from selfish individuals for your help or right actions.

As much as you love or like your selfish friends or relatives, there is little hope that they will show any regard for your feelings or change their habits. While some of them can show-off moments of generosity, most of them lack the willingness or skill to be considerate. Understanding this trait will make you understand why a person fails to pay attention to your needs.

It’s not that they are not responsive. Such people can choose how they want to respond to a specific need. For instance, when you need their help, they can choose to ignore your request or pretend to be busy.

So please take a look at our collection of 20 of the most effective snappy and most effective comebacks that work when you are confronting a selfish person

20 Comebacks for Dealing with a Selfish Person

1 – Thank you for listening to me and making it all about you!

Don’t you just wish you could say that to someone who keeps talking about themselves? Selfish people have a habit of ignoring the other person’s needs, and that’s one of the reasons why they never pay attention to your problems. Instead, they keep mentioning their own experiences. This one is best for all such occasions.

2 – Aren’t you exhausted from talking about yourself?

Just when you need someone to share your sorrows (or even joy), a selfish person keeps on ranting about how miserable they are, only to gain your sympathy. That’s not something you would want to listen to after a stressful or long day.

3 – I just returned from the center of the universe, and I wonder why you weren’t there?

Do not shy away from reminding selfish people that the entire universe does not revolve around them alone. Self-centered people have a habit of being caught up in their problems. There is no harm in giving a reality check to them every once in a while.

4 – The world does not revolve around you!

That’s another way of sending the same message across. The only problem is that a selfish person will pretend not to listen to it or simply ignore it. 

5 – Please tell me less about yourself

What a polite way to stop someone from going on and on about their likes and dislikes. That comeback works great on a first date when a self-centered person forgets to ask about your preferences and life goals.

6 – No, my status is not for you

Confront your stalkers or ex-partners. It’s common for a selfish ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend to drop in a few lines in response to every status of yours. Whether it’s on Facebook or any other network, it’s essential to silence them and make them realize you have other important things going on in your life.  

7 – Just get over it

What a sweet way to tell someone to shut up? You won’t feel bad, and the other person shouldn’t. After all, that’s what they need to do to make your (and everyone else’s) life more manageable.

8 – Do I only exist when you need something?

Ever had that friend who is nowhere to when you need them. But just when they need you, they will pop out of nowhere. Even if you have relocated or moved to another workplace, they will find you whenever their need arises. 

selfish person

9 – You are just like us!

A selfish person often things he/she is above everyone else. Probably, the last thing they want to listen to is that they are just everyone else! You are not disrespecting them or abandoning them. Instead, you remind them that they are not out of this world. 

10 – I can fix my appearance, but how will you adjust your personality?

Anyone who points out to how you look, dress, or appears deserves this comeback. A selfish person who wants to throw you off guard usually starts criticizing your appearance because they don’t have any other reasons to show their disapproval. You can’t change their habits but can put them in their place. 

11 – Did I ask for your advice/opinion?

Most people have solutions for all your problems and like offering tips when you need them the least. But whenever you offer them a piece of advice, they reject or refute it immediately.

Such people are insecure because they try to hide behind a false sense of supremacy. So, the next time they offer you their ‘valuable’ advice, don’t be afraid to ask this question.

12 – You’re wasting your time

Selfish people don’t mind wasting your time. But when it comes to their precious time, they would never imagine wasting it. That’s one of the reasons why this comeback works best for people who can’t stop making negative comments about your job, personal choices, and opinions. 

13 – Don’t you have anything nice to say?

Selfish people love focusing on your shortcomings. Why not shift the focus on them to change the subject? Trust us; this comeback works every time.

14 – I won’t even comment on that

Sometimes the best comeback is not saying anything at all. Selfish and toxic people need to feed their fragile ego. When you are indifferent to their comments and viewpoints, it shows that they have no power or control over your thoughts and emotions. 

positivity quote

15 – Thanks, but no thanks

Not everyone deserves your gratitude. One of the worst habits of selfish people is that they expect you to be thankful to them, even when they haven’t done anything for you. It’s not a bad idea to remind them that you don’t need their advice, approval, or opinions. 

16 – What on earth made you think that?

The best trick to answer a rude person is to pose another question. You can always counter negative emotions and comments by questioning the other person. With this comeback, you may be able to silence a nosy friend or colleague.

17 – Are you aware that there are two people in this room?

One of the habits of selfish people is that they think they are the only ones present in the room. That’s probably the reason they don’t even pretend to listen to you when you are talking. 

What a way to make them realize that you know what they’re trying to do?

18 – Are you always this funny?

Sometimes, narcissistic and selfish people use sarcasm or humor to mask insults, but just enough for you to identify their offensive remarks. This comeback stuns them because they expect you to smile or laugh sheepishly. 

Whenever someone says something that sounds more like an insult than a joke, end the conversation with this comeback. 

19 – Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you. What were you saying?

No, you’re not rude. You are giving a selfish person another chance to reword his/her question or statement. This comeback shows that their comments do not affect you, and you are not open to their negativity.

20 – That makes one of us

Do not offer any explanations to prove your point. Simply disagree and move on! Your time is precious, and you certainly don’t want to waste it on people who have no respect for your thoughts and beliefs.  

selfish peopleFinal Thoughts on How to Deal with a Selfish Person

Dealing with a selfish person becomes easy when you know what to say to them and how. Letting go of their negativity will not make them assess their habits and make any changes. However, using comebacks such as these will help you to stay positive. 

Moreover, selfish people don’t care about what you think or say. They live in a fantasy world and form their opinions that you can’t change. However, do not let them get in the way of your happiness. No matter how much you love someone, define boundaries so nobody can hurt you ever. 

The post 20 Comebacks When Dealing with a Selfish Person appeared first on Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude.

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